
Movement Logbook

Movement in performing arts - The Jungle When we first started rehearsing for the jungle, we began by learning a dance as a group that could possibly feature in the performance. We watched a news report of the Calais Jungle to use as a stimuli and used this to create dance movements. This was done throughout the whole lesson, as well as rehearsing the dance. In the next lesson we were split into groups of 3 and were then given 6 pictures to use as stimuli. We had to use this to create a dance as a 3 which would then be performed in the final show. We also had to find text we could use as stimuli on our own. As a group we used the picture (see below left) as part of a stimuli for some of our dance movements, as well as a video of Diversity. We used these pieces of evidence to help give us ideas for dance movement for the performance, as well as what style it would be in. We used the picture and decide that our performance should seem violent as the picture we used shows riots and conf

When I Grow Up Evaluation

When we first started the rehearsal process for the musical, we began by simply reading through the script to get a feel for all the characters, and we then held auditions as a class so we could decide what characters we would like to play. We also used this as an opportunity to experiment different ways we could play various different characters. This helped us to improve our characterisation skills throughout the rehearsal process. During the rehearsal process, people shared ideas about what they felt they could do to improve their acting skills with their characters. This involved experimenting various ways lines could be delivered, in order to find the way that was most effective. This was done by filming ourselves saying a chosen line in two different ways, and seeing what way worked better. This helped me as I was able to figure out, using the scene as a whole, how my character would be feeling, and how they would be behaving as a result. I feel one thing that went well in t
Front of house manager: In theatre, the front of house manager helps control the selling of tickets, the guidance of customers in the front of house areas and the maintenance and management of the theatre building. The front of house manager and production manager interrelate as they both work closely with each other to ensure that the main play, as well as preparation runs smoothly. Theatre Critic: Theatre Critics have a lot of influence on people about what shows people should go and see. Their opinion have a lot of importance, as customers will read reviews about films they might want to see. Theatre critics would often work with the press officer of a theatre so that they can take advice/read the reviews for the show. Stage Manager: The stage manager is essentially the assistant to the director, but also serves as assistant to the designers, technical director, costume shop supervisor, director of theatre, conductor an any other staff positions. The stage manager can interrelat

Level 3 BTEC Performing Arts (UPPERS) Induction Project 2018

Task 1 I learned the most from the first clip with Benedict Cumberbatch playing Rosencrantz. even though the clip is very short. The scene itself is very simple; just two characters sitting on a stage with very few props on the stage. This clip is a very good example of how less can sometimes be more. This is also showed as both actors on stage are sitting down for most of the play, and just using small simple movements while they are sitting down. However, I learned that even when sitting down, small movements can make a significant difference to the effectiveness of a performance, even if it’s hand movements or head movements. I also learned that sometimes voice can be one of the most effective acting techniques and can be used to easily show feelings and emotions. Also, not only is it voice, but it is the way an actor says his/her lines, for example articulation of their lines can make a performance much more effective. Furthermore, I learned that it can often be effective when