
Showing posts from February, 2019

Movement Logbook

Movement in performing arts - The Jungle When we first started rehearsing for the jungle, we began by learning a dance as a group that could possibly feature in the performance. We watched a news report of the Calais Jungle to use as a stimuli and used this to create dance movements. This was done throughout the whole lesson, as well as rehearsing the dance. In the next lesson we were split into groups of 3 and were then given 6 pictures to use as stimuli. We had to use this to create a dance as a 3 which would then be performed in the final show. We also had to find text we could use as stimuli on our own. As a group we used the picture (see below left) as part of a stimuli for some of our dance movements, as well as a video of Diversity. We used these pieces of evidence to help give us ideas for dance movement for the performance, as well as what style it would be in. We used the picture and decide that our performance should seem violent as the picture we used shows riots and conf